Oculyze has launched the new BB Web App

We’re happy to announce that we’ve launched the new BB Web App!

This means that:

  • You can now connect the microscope to your computer as well, instead of just a mobile device, to do the analyses.
  • Whether you’re using the mobile app or the web app, you’ll have access to your data from both.
  • From here on, we will continue to develop in parallel both the mobile and the web app.

Now let’s go through it!

Login here: https://webapp.oculyze.net/bb/login

…and you’ll end up on the dashboard page.

Here you have:

  • The “Support” button – opens up your email program so that you can contact us in case you encounter any issues or you have any questions;
  • The “Manual” button – takes you to our BB Resources page, where you can find several useful materials on how to use our technology;
  • The “Dashboard” button – brings you back to this screen;
  • And, of course, you have the “Fermentation Tracking” and “Single Measurements” options. You can start a new Fermentation Tracking or a Single Analysis by clicking the “Start New…” buttons or look at previous data by clicking the “Tracking Overview” or “Analysis History” buttons.

Here is how the process looks if you choose to do a single measurement:

Click “Start New Analysis” and you’ll end up on the selection screen, where you can choose the type of measurement you wish to do:

Next, take your pictures (the microscope has to be connected and selected from the drop-down menu that you can see above the live image) and enter your data:

Once you’ve done that, you will be able to see the details of the measurement you’ve created:

Go back to the Dashboard -> Analysis History and you will now see the analysis you’ve created in the list and an overview of all your single measurements:

If you want to create a new fermentation click “Start New Tracking” in the dashboard under “Fermentation Tracking” and you end up here:

After you’ve entered all the data, the new fermentation will appear in the Tracking Overview.

To check the Tracking Overview, from the dashboard click on “Tracking Overview” under “Fermentation Tracking” and you end up here:

If you want to add more single measurements to an existing fermentation, just click the “+” button. When clicking on a list entry, a screen with more details will open:

Here you can see:

  • the details you entered when creating a fermentation;
  • a timeline summarizing all the measurement data (single measurements can be excluded by clicking the checkboxes on the top right,
  • while graphs can be turned on and off by clicking on the boxes in the legend);
  • and, at the bottom, detailed results for the single measurements that you can click through.

Finally, these are the General Settings you have access to right now:

Enjoy the new BB Web App and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to drop us an email at [email protected]!

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