Does Beer Hydrate You? Your Guide to the Benefits of Beer

No. The short answer to “does beer hydrate you” is that it does not. But wait! Before you move on to the next Google search, there is actually so much more to that answer, and even a few caveats to the short and sweet “no.” Beer has been around for millennia, and for good reason.

Many people not in the know are quick to say that all alcohol is equal. Others, those who favor wine, will say that the fermented grape juice is better for you than beer. Both are wrong. Beer has an astounding number of health benefits, and it is even true that in some cases beer can be hydrating, or at least more hydrating than other alcoholic beverages.

Health First

Before we get into the hydration intricacies of beer, let’s look at the ways that beer is beneficial to your health in more clear-cut ways.

Athletes for decades have run for a beer after a game. Runners and bicyclists love to meet at a pub for a refreshing brew, or two, after miles of journeying, sweating, and losing water.

Families and friends hit the lake or the waves during the summer season and, more often than not, bring a six pack, or a case, of beer with them.

Millions of people across the world for years cannot be wrong about the wonders of this beverage can they?


They cannot.

And they are not.

Beer has many health benefits, and it can indeed do wonders for athletes, for water relaxation, and for anyone who drinks responsibly.

To begin, beer is made using malted barley (or an alternative grain like wheat), water, yeast, and hops. Sometimes other fruits and all natural flavors are added.

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What is effectively malted barley water becomes alcoholic because of the fermentation process. The hops, a cone plant, add bitterness, aroma, and flavor.

1.     Nutrients

That list of ingredients alone points to the first benefit of beer to your health. Beer actually contains more Vitamin B than wine does. It is, after all, liquid bread, so you also get phosphorous, folate, and niacin. All good! Beer also contains protein and some fiber. And finally, many beers are a good source of prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria in your gut. Beer in moderation is a healthy part of your diet, without a doubt.

2.     Diabetes Battle

That’s right. A study recently found that men and women who drink 3 to 4 times a week are less likely to develop diabetes than those who never drink. Indeed, men who had between one and six beers per week were 21% less likely to develop diabetes. Great news for those among us who already love beer.

3.     Heart Health

Everyone raves about wine for heart health. But what about beer? The American Heart Association released a study in 2016 showing that moderate beer drinkers had a dramatically slower decline in “good” cholesterol levels than non-beer drinkers. That decline means a decline in heart disease.

4.     Strong Bones

Moderate beer consumption actually increases bone density in men. The silicon found in beer is an essential mineral for bones, and many may not be getting that highly beneficial mineral from other sources. Thank goodness for beer!

5.     Brain Power

Silicon also protects your brain from compounds that may lead to cognitive diseases. Moderate drinkers are less likely, by 23 percent, to develop Alzheimer’s and dementia than those who don’t drink beer. Also, because it raises good cholesterol, that means better blood flow to your brain.

6.     Clean Teeth

Remember those prebiotics in beer? Well, combined with the alcohol content, it can keep bad bacteria from forming on your teeth. Even the smallest amount of beer will block bacteria and block bacteria from communicating with each other, which also inhibits growth.

7.     Anti-Inflammatory

Now about those hops. Those cone shaped plants have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces aches and pains and internal damage to organs and the gut. It’s not a stretch to say that a beer can help with a headache.

8.     Longevity

And finally, beer can help you live longer. A recent study at the University of Texas showed that those who drink beer in moderation tend to live longer than those who don’t. Thanks to all of the above benefits, you are likely to be healthier overall, which means you’ll live longer. Cheers to that.

So… does beer hydrate you?

Now that you know all the health benefits of beer, let’s get back to the “no.” No, beer does not hydrate you. Indeed, it can be dangerous to drink beer, or any other beverage out under the sun, in hot weather or after playing active sports, not because it’s beer, but because it is alcohol. It is the alcohol in the beer that can dehydrate you, leaving your brain foggy, your balance off, and your decision making questionable.

If you are going to drink beer for fun, for refreshment, and for your health, remember to drink responsibly, and drink lots and lots of water. Drinking beer (and drinking alcohol, in general) is not an excuse to not drink water. That adequate daily fluid intake you keep hearing about typically does not include beer.

The Caveats

There are a few notes on the hydrating qualities of beer. Non-alcoholic beer, for example, can provide all of the health benefits of regular beer and none of the dehydration. You can drink non-alcoholic beer and feel good about getting hydrated. So, in this case, yes, beer can hydrate you.

The same goes for beer with a much lower alcohol content, and you can even find extra healthy beer, like beer with kombucha, that adds to the health benefits you’re already getting. These beers will dehydrate you much less than other, higher alcohol content beers.

So, now you know. Drink beer for your health. Drink responsibly. And, in most cases, don’t expect beer to hydrate you!


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  1. David Jiménez-Pavón, Mónica Sofía Cervantes-Borunda, Ligia Esperanza Díaz, Ascensión Marcos & Manuel J. Castillo, Effects of a moderate intake of beer on markers of hydration after exercise in the heat: a crossover study, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
  2. Rebeca Flores-Salamanca, Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas, Postexercise rehydration with beer impairs fluid retention, reaction time, and balance, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism


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