Overview of single measurements in the PMN evaluation

This page shows all information of a single measurement.

The page is divided into:

  • Sample details with sample name, date and time of the measurement carried out, user and the analysis method
  • PMN – Indicates the calculated proportion of PMNs in relation to the total number of cells in %.
  • Cell number – Indicates the number of all cells that were included in the analysis.
  • Comment – Displays comments entered.
  • Result images – To check the image analysis, the result of the image recognition can be superimposed with a slider. The pictures can be enlarged by clicking on the text Show Details. A detailed explanation of the analysis can be found under Explanation for the result pictures.

In addition to the functions already explained for the Main Page, further functions are accessible in the header:

  • Edit function (pen) – Enables to edit title, comment and dilution values of the measurement.


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