Recording images for PMN measurements

After starting the measurement via the button Start measurement in the home screen, a live image from the microscope is displayed. Most of the time this image is blurry and the sample must be focused.

Automatic exposure is activated as standard. Uncheck the box if you want to adjust the exposure manually. If the cells appear very bright (Fig. 18), you can improve the image quality and contrast by using the slider.

You should see a clear image of the cells in the middle of the screen before taking a picture.

Pictures can be taken using the blue – white button. The counter above the button shows how many pictures have been taken and how many cells have been counted for the analysis.

The number of analyzed cells can only be updated if the app is not in offline mode.

After the picture is taken, that picture will be displayed on your screen. Using the “Delete” and “Keep” button, the user may decide whether to dispose of the picture or to keep it for analysis.

At least 10 images or 200 cells must be evaluated per analysis. For every image a different sample section should be recorded. Move the sample by using the two rotary screws. Should an image be discarded, a replacement image must be recorded.

After taking the first image the button „Continue later“ appears. Using the button allows you to store the analysis and continue it later. The stored analysis can be accessed via history > Tab Ongoing Measurements.

As soon as one of the analysis criteria is reached (10 images / 200 cells) the button „Finish Analysis“ appears. This completes the image acquisition and opens the next screen to enter sample data.

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